Thursday 25 August 2016

Canton Michigan Wildlife Removal

Canton Wildlife Removal

SquirrelsLooking for humane and professional Canton Michigan wildlife removal services? We provide humane animal trapping and wildlife removal services 24 hours a day 7 days a week for emergency situations that can not wait. Raccoons and squirrels in the attic, skunks and raccoons under decks and stoops, bats rooting and accumulating guano in the attic or animals that are living down your chimney, we cover it all and know how to get rid of wildlife once and for all.

Canton, MI Raccoon Removal

Raccoon typically will enter an attic from tearing a hole into the roof, pushing open soffits and entering through unsecured attic fans. Once inside they mat down and crush insulation as they walk back and fourth through the attic. This renders the attic insulation ineffective and have raise energy costs by 50%. After a raccoon has destroyed the attic insulation, attic restoration is necessary, especially to remove the feces that is throughout the attic. Raccoon feces is toxic and the parasites it carries can be fatal. Our Canton raccoon removal services are full service, meaning we also provide attic clean outs and feces removal. Once the raccoon trapping has been done, we provide raccoon proofing over the weak and vulnerable areas to make sure no future raccoons enter the open areas.

Canton, MI Squirrel Removal

Canton, MichiganSquirrels can also smash and crush attic insulation but their real threat is the fact that they gnaw and when they gnaw wires it is a huge fire hazard. So much of a hazard that most homeowners insurance policies will not cover squirrel damages due to the fact that nuisance squirrels and rodents gnawing wires cause 30,000 home and business fires yearly across the country. We provide the very best Canton squirrel removal services and offer squirrel proofing as well. If you are in need of squirrel damage repair we can effectively repair any and all damage caused by nuisance squirrels. Our squirrel trapping process typically takes 3-5 days to get rid of all of the squirrels residing in the home. This is dependant on the size of the colony.

Canton, MI Skunk Removal

We all know skunks can cause a huge stink. It not for their odor, they wouldn’t be half as bad. If you have a skunk under a deck or stoop that has sprayed, your entire home will smell in no time. Skunk odors have 3 molecules that must be broken down to effectively destroy the smell. We provide Canton skunk removal for all nuisance skunk problems. Skunks denning on your property, skunks in the window well or dead skunk removal, we have you covered. After the skunk trapping process, we can provide effective skunk proofing to ensure that the skunks are gone for good.

Call us today if you are in need of wildlife control in Canton Michigan. We have wildlife professionals ready to handle all of your needs, and also provide services 24 hours a day 7 days a week for wildlife emergencies.

(248) 667-7796


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